Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Then cheer, boys, raise the joyous shout, For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out; And let another rousing- cheer for Tennessee be given, The Single Star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be Eleven.
Then here 's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave, Like patriots of old, we'll fight our heritage to save; And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer, So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
Chorus.—Hurrah! Hurrah! for Southern Rights, Hurrah ! Hurrah! for the Bonnie Blue Flag has gained the Eleventh Star!
Oh, he 's nothing but a soldier; he 's coming here to-night,
For I saw him pass this morning, with his uniform so bright;
He was coming in from picket, whilst he sang a sweet re­frain,
And he kissed his hand at some one, peeping through the window pane.
Ah! he rode no dashing charger, with black and flowing-mane,
But his bayonet glistened brightly, as the sun lit up the plain;